General Memoranda Service

FREE subscription based service produced weekly by Hobbs Straus, General Memoranda cover a wide range of topics detailing developments in Congress, the Executive Branch, and many federal agencies that impact Indian Country.

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Our Latest General Memoranda Releases:

GM 15-064

FY 2016 Continuing Resolution Likely; Administration Releases Proposed Anomalies List; Members of Congress Introduce Bills to Exempt Indian Programs from Sequestration

GM 15-064

FY 2016 Continuing Resolution Likely; Administration Releases Proposed Anomalies List; Members of Congress Introduce Bills to Exempt Indian Programs from Sequestration

GM 15-063

Native American Voting Rights Legislation Introduced

GM 15-062

Departments of Justice and Interior Introduce Two Programs to Expand Tribal Access to National Crime Information Databases

GM 15-061

National Park Service Reopens Comment Period on Proposed Rule on Gathering Plants for Traditional Purposes in National Parks

GM 15-060

White House Directive to Federal Agencies Regarding FY 2017 Native Youth Priorities

GM 15-059

Environmental Protection Agency Publishes Proposed Interpretive Rule on Tribal Eligibility for "Treatment as a State" under the Clean Water Act

GM 15-058

Census Bureau Tribal Consultations on 2020 Census

GM 15-057

Administration for Children and Families Tribal Consultation on September 14

GM 15-056

Forest Service Publishes Proposed Directives on American Indian and Alaska Native Relations

GM 15-055

U.S. Labor Department Issues Guidance on Employees versus Independent Contractors

GM 15-054

BLM Seeks Tribal Comments on Proposed Oil & Gas Royalty Regulations for Indian Lands

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