General Memoranda Service

FREE subscription based service produced weekly by Hobbs Straus, General Memoranda cover a wide range of topics detailing developments in Congress, the Executive Branch, and many federal agencies that impact Indian Country.

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Our Latest General Memoranda Releases:

GM 15-008

Labor-HHS-Education and Related Agencies FY 2015 Appropriations

GM 15-007

District Court Upholds Department of the Interior's Carcieri Framework in Decision on Cowlitz Trust Acquisition

GM 15-006

Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Effects of Climate Change in NEPA Reviews

GM 15-005

President's Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience Releases Recommendations; Tribal Leaders Release Supplemental Recommendations

GM 15-004

BIA Proposes Amendments to Regulations Governing Housing Improvement Program; Tribal Consultation Scheduled

GM 15-003

FY 2015 Indian Affairs Funding

GM 15-002

DOI Publishes Final Rule Eliminating the "Alaska Exception" for Taking Land Into Trust

GM 15-001

Indian Health Service FY 2015 Scholarships

GM 14-100

Congress Approves Package of Tax Extenders With Tribal-Specific Provisions

GM 14-099

IHS FY 2015 Appropriations Approved as Part of an Omnibus Funding Bill

GM 14-098

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Clarifies Two-Part Test for Determining the Applicability Of the FTCA to Tort Claims Brought Against Tribal Employees Carrying Out Indian Self-Determination Act Agreements

GM 14-097

House and Senate Pass Repeal of Alaska Exception To Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization of 2013

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