General Memoranda Service

FREE subscription based service produced weekly by Hobbs Straus, General Memoranda cover a wide range of topics detailing developments in Congress, the Executive Branch, and many federal agencies that impact Indian Country.

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Our Latest General Memoranda Releases:

GM 13-109

DOJ Solicits Applications from Tribes to Participate in VAWA Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction Pilot Project

GM 13-111

Bipartisan Budget Agreement Reached; Enactment Likely This Week

GM 13-110

IRS Issues Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Treatment of Income from Indian Fishing Rights-Related Activity; Requests Comments

GM 13-108

AHCP Guidance on the Intersection of the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Section 106 Process

GM 13-107

The Indian Law and Order Commission Issues Its Report Containing over 40 Recommendations to Make Indian Country Safer

GM 13-106

First Hearing of the Advisory Committee on Native Children Exposed to Violence

GM 13-105

FEMA Accepting Applications for Firefighter Assistance Grant Program; Tribes Eligible

GM 13-104

BIA Releases "Patchak Patch": Final Rule on Land-Into-Trust Appeals

GM 13-103

Executive Order on Preparing for Climate Change; Appointment of State, Local and Tribal Leaders Task Force of Climate Preparedness

GM 13-102

Bill to Establish Commission on Native American Children Introduced

GM 13-101

Legislation Introduced to Amend the 477 Program

GM 13-100

Seventh Circuit Rules that the Clean Water Act Does Not Authorize a Municipality to Charge an Indian Tribe Fees to Control Stormwater Runoff from Trust Lands

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