General Memoranda Service

FREE subscription based service produced weekly by Hobbs Straus, General Memoranda cover a wide range of topics detailing developments in Congress, the Executive Branch, and many federal agencies that impact Indian Country.

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Our Latest General Memoranda Releases:

GM 14-072

Council on Environmental Quality Publishes Draft Guidance on Effective Use of Programmatic NEPA Reviews

GM 14-071

Wildland Fire Suppression Funding: Congress and the Administration Propose Changes

GM 14-070

Ninth Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Challenge to University's Decision to Repatriate Ancient Remains to a Tribal Consortium; Sovereign Immunity Key Factor

GM 14-069

DOJ Tribal Consultations Next Week on Tribal Voting Access/Polling Place Selection

GM 14-068

FEMA Releases Final Tribal Consultation Policy

GM 14-067

Maniilaq Association Wins ISDEAA Case Against the IHS

GM 14-066

Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Vacates and Remands Union Organizing Cases Back to the NLRB

GM 14-065

Forest Service Issues Proposed Rule on Providing Forest Products to Indian Tribes for Traditional and Cultural Purposes

GM 14-064

Interior Secretary Jewell Reaffirms Federal Trust Relationship With Indian Tribes

GM 14-063

IHS Issues Corrections to Key Dates for Tribal Self-Governance Program Planning and Negotiation Cooperative Agreements

GM 14-061

House and Senate Appropriations Committee Recommendations for FY 2015 IHS Funding

GM 14-060

EPA Adopts Policy on Environmental Justice for Working with Federally Recognized Tribes and Indigenous Peoples

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