Provide counsel to tribes on how to expand the tribal trust land base, a critical tool tribal governments can use to assert sovereign civil and criminal governmental authority on lands within their respective territories.
Assist tribes in acquiring trust lands through the land-into-trust process and the fee-to-trust process.
Advise and assist tribes in obtaining and establishing trust status of tribal lands through:
Implementation of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act.
Use of the Indian Land Consolidation Act.
Use of excess and surplus federal property acts.
Land exchange mechanisms.
Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission process.
Navigate all aspects of the trust land acquisition processes, including:
Development and completion of trust application forms and guidelines.
Preparation of real property contracts.
Negotiation of cooperative agreements related to law enforcement and fire protection.
Communications with federal officials and legal counsel.
Assistance in addressing title issues, environmental requirements, and jurisdictional matters.
Monitor efforts to streamline and improve the fee-to-trust process including the Department of the Interior’s recent effort to change the Part 151 regulations.
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