The Environmental Protection Agency has announced an opportunity for tribes to receive technical assistance in the development of green building codes. This opportunity is described in the attached announcement. The deadline for applications is March 6, 2013. To apply for this assistance, a tribe must file a letter of interest providing the information described in the announcement.
As noted in the announcement, in the United States, buildings account for 39 percent of total energy consumption and 38 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as a substantial share of water consumption and the generation of solid waste. “Green” building seeks to improve efficiency in the use of energy, water, and materials. With respect to energy, buildings can be designed to be net-zero energy, and there is national movement toward making the standard practice within the next two decades. Many cities are using building codes to set efficiency standards for new construction, and to implement other green building practices. Tribal governments have the sovereign authority to enact building codes for lands under their jurisdiction, but tribes have generally been left out of federal assistance programs for enhancing local building codes. The EPA announcement of technical assistance is a step in the right direction.
Please let us know if we may provide additional information regarding EPA’s Technical Assistance on Tribal Green Building Code Development.