General Memoranda Service

FREE subscription based service produced weekly by Hobbs Straus, General Memoranda cover a wide range of topics detailing developments in Congress, the Executive Branch, and many federal agencies that impact Indian Country.

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Our Latest General Memoranda Releases:

GM 16-038

Indian Child Welfare Act Proceedings Final Rule; June 23 Webinar to be Held

GM 16-037

Native American Children's Safety Act Signed into Law

GM 16-036

Deadline Extended to June 17, 2016 for IHS Tribal Management Grants

GM 16-035

Department of Labor Updates Salary Basis Test for Overtime Determination

GM 16-034

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Seeks Suggestions for Improving the National Historic Preservation Program; Tribal Perspectives Needed

GM 16-033

Environmental Protection Agency Publishes Final Interpretive Rule on Tribal Eligibility for "Treatment as a State" under the Clean Water Act

GM 16-032

Tribal Title IV-E Foster Care/Adoption Assistance Plan Development Grants

GM 16-031

DOI Publishes List of Non-BIA Programs Eligible for Inclusion in Self-Governance Funding Agreements

GM 16-030

Department of Transportation to Establish Negotiated Rulemaking Committee for Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program; Nominations and Comments Requested

GM 16-029

Older Americans Act, including Native American Programs, Reauthorized

GM 16-028

Bill Introduced in Senate to Affirm Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction over Child Violence and Drug-related Offenses by Non-Indian Offenders

GM 16-027

ACF Proposes Rule to Require State Title IV-E Foster Care/Adoption Agencies to Collect Indian Child Welfare Act Implementation Data

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