On August 9, 2019, the Indian Health Service (IHS) announced in the FEDERAL REGISTER the availability of FY 2019 cooperative agreements for planning purposes under the Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP). This competitive grant program is authorized by Title V, Tribal Self-Governance Amendments of 2000, of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, PL 93-638, as amended. The TSGP is designed to promote self-determination by allowing tribes to assume more control of IHS programs and services through compacts negotiated with the IHS. Applications are due by October 23, 2019. A copy of the notice is available here: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2019-08-09/pdf/2019-17137.pdf
The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to provide planning resources to tribes interested in participating in the TSGP and/or existing Self-Governance tribes interested in assuming new or expanded Programs, Services, Functions and Activities (PSFAs). Under the agreements tribes may undertake planning such as legal and budget research that leads to a greater understanding of which PSFAs they may want to assume and any organizational changes that may be necessary to do so. They may also be used to help identify programmatic alternatives that will better meet tribal needs. Receipt of a planning grant is not a pre-requisite to enter the TSGP.
There is $600,000 available to fund an expected five awards at $120,000 each.
To be eligible for the planning agreement, the applicant must be a tribe, tribal organization or inter-tribal consortium; and demonstrate financial stability and management capability by having had no significant and material audit exceptions for three previous fiscal years. Alaska Native Villages or Village Corporations are not eligible to apply for this funding if they are located within an area served by an Alaska Native regional health entity (including the Native Village of Eyak, the Eastern Aleutian Tribes, and the Council for Athabascan Tribal Governments which have been deemed Alaska Native regional health entities and are eligible to apply) already participating in the Alaska Tribal Health Compact.
With regard to the required submission of resolutions accompanying the application, IHS states:
“Submit Tribal resolution(s) from the appropriate governing body of the appropriate Indian Tribe to be served by the ISDEAA Compact authorizing the submission of a Planning Cooperative Agreement application. Tribal consortia applying for a TSCP Planning Cooperative Agreement shall submit Tribal Council resolutions from each Tribe in the consortium. Tribal resolutions can be attached to the electronic online application.”
The solicitation also provides that an official signed Tribal resolution must be received by the Division of Grants Management prior to a Notice of Award being issued to any applicant selected for funding.
Applications are to be submitted electronically via www.Grants.gov. Detailed eligibility, application criteria and contact information are contained in the announcement.
Please contact us if we may provide further information or assistance regarding the IHS FY 2019 Tribal Self-Governance Program planning cooperative agreements.