GM 14-019

YouthBuild Grants

The Department of Labor is soliciting applications, via a February 24, 2014, FEDERAL REGISTER notice, under its YouthBuild program which is authorized under the Workforce Investment Act. YouthBuild grants are awarded to organizations, including tribes and other agencies primarily serving Indians, to provide education and training/employment services to disadvantaged youth ages 16-24. The deadline for the receipt of applications is April 22, 2014. The notice may be found here:

The target population is high school dropouts who may also be adjudicated youth aging out of foster care; youth with an incarcerated parent; youth with disabilities; and other at-risk youth populations. Up to 25 percent of participants do not have to fall into the “at risk” category but would need to be considered lacking in basic skills and/or have been referred by a local secondary school.

While the training under YouthBuild focuses on construction/rehabilitation of housing for low-income and homeless persons, grants may be used for a wide array of support services including remedial education; language instruction; tutoring; study skills training; counseling and assistance regarding post-secondary education; occupational skills training; drug abuse counseling; and community service and leadership activities. Guidelines issued in February 2012 expanded the allowable fields of training to include in-demand industries (i.e, health care and information technology) leading to attainment of industry-recognized credentials. New grantees must provide construction training and are not eligible to offer other vocational training as first-time YouthBuild grantees.

The Department of Labor expects to have approximately $73 million in FY 2014 funds and anticipates making 75 grants of up to $1.1 million each. Grants are for three years and four months. The first four months are for planning, followed by two years for core program operations and the third year for follow-up support services and tracking participant outcomes. There is a 25 percent cash or in-kind match requirement, and up to 30 percent of funds are for grants to applicants that have not previously received a YouthBuild grant or who have not substantially completed performance on their initial grant award. The full YouthBuild application may be viewed here:

Please let us know if we may provide additional information regarding the YouthBuild program.