HHS Annual Tribal Consultations on Head Start

On April 13, the Department of Health and Human Services/Administration for Children and Families issued the attached notice announcing a series of one-day tribal consultation sessions to be held with tribes operating a Head Start/Early Head Start program(s). The purpose of the consultations is to discuss delivery of Head Start services to American Indian/Alaska Native children and families, “taking into consideration funding allocations, distribution formulas, and other issues” that may affect services in the various geographic areas.

The Head Start tribal consultations are being held in conjunction with the HHS Regional Tribal Consultations. The meetings will be held:

April 29 Region VI Consultation
Albuquerque, NM
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
May 19 Regions I, II, and IV Consultation
Marksville, LA
Paragon Casino Resort

The additional information on hotels, logistical information and online registration for the meeting is available at

Please note that the Department views the consultations to be with “elected or appointed” tribal government leaders or their designated representative. Persons serving as a representative of a tribe must submit, at least three days in advance of the session, an authorizing letter from the tribal government. Representatives of tribal organizations and native non-profits “are welcome” but would be observers, not participants.

Tribal leaders/designated representatives may submit written testimony or consultation agenda topics to Head Start Tribal Policy Lead Camille Loya at Written statements from those not attending a session may be submitted within 30 days after a consultation session.

If we may be of further assistance regarding these consultation meetings, please contact us at the information below.